"Más vida" autumn campaign From October to December 2019
If you take out a regular savings policy* for an amount equal to or greater than €2,400, make an additional contribution for an amount equal to or greater than €4,000 or take out a life policy** for an amount equal to or greater than €250, we'll give you this sports watch featuring the latest technology to keep track of your daily activity.
Insurance which brings your savings into action.
*Products: Multifondos inversión plus, ahorro 5 SIALP Plus, PIAS Plus, Vida horizonte Plus, PPA futuro Plus. **Products: Vida Plus, Vida express Plus or Vida amortización Plus. Only one gift per policyholder. As long as the minimum term is equal to or greater than two years. If stocks run out, Plus Ultra Seguros may replace the gift with another of similar specifications.